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Relocation Services

Global Moving offers Relocation services in Italy and worldwide

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Global Moving offers Relocation services in Italy and worldwide

Thanks to trained and specialized technicians in this sector and thanks to the support of particular packaging materials and an internal carpentry, we offer our customers, both public and private, a highly qualified service.

  • IMMIGRATION: Assistance for all the procedures related to immigration, authorization, visa, residence permits for workers and families.

  • ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES: registration of residence, administrative procedures for the foreign citizen to be able to stay in Italy.

  • ITALIAN CITIZENSHIP: assistance in obtaining Italian citizenship.

  • RELOCATION: assistance in relocating personnel; from home and/or school research, to the assistance for the negotiation of the lease contract and the activation of utilities.

  • CERTIFICATES AND LEGALIZATIONS: Obtainment of certificates, legalization of documents both in Italy for abroad as well as in foreign Consulates in Italy.

  • LOGISTICS: Logistic assistance, car rental, orientation tours, language courses.

  • INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL MOVES: international imports, customhouse clearance.

  • REMOVAL: assistance at the beginning.

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